Year: 2024

What if??

Today I did the what if challenge and chose a paper and that’s what i’d write about my paper said “What if there was no school?” This was hard to write about cause I had to think really hard but this is what I ended up writing:

In our time almost everyone goes to school, but a lot of people hate school. Back in the day only boys went to school, so girls were home bored doing house work, they wanted to go to school, but now not a lot of people like school, but the question is what if there was no school? Well we wouldn’t learn to do normal things, like how to be good at talking to people, how to spell, how to read ansd most importantly there would be no tech classes like food tech. And people couldn’t work many jobs, like doctors, mechanics and I don’t wanna write more jobs. People world be bored and out of routine and sleep in for hours and hours, but also stay up for hours and hours, and parents would have no alone time and complan, but not everything would be bad, kids would be less stressed and get more sleep and kids would be happy to spend time with their friends not at school. 


Matariki pixel art!!!!


This is my Matariki pixel art, it is of my friends and I sitting on the beach, looking are the Matariki star, these friends are Niya and Aria, this was really fun to make but not easy I had to color every single pixel, which took forever but i’m done now. I hope you like it!


Yesterday Nanogirl came to our assembly and she showed us different super powers but as science which was really cool, she put a cup on Anikas head and shot it off with air hoops, and another part that I really liked was when she put a tennis ball on a hairdryer and then put a bigger ball on a leaf blower, it was so cool to see the balls fly. This was a really fun and now I think science is cool! Thank you Nanogirl!!

My article.

This term we learnt about articles and then wrote one, mine was about music, then I had to break it down into four topics about music, these topics are, music history, music today, people and instruments. And I learnt about conclusions which just sum up everything. This was really fun to learn about.






  Music, fun facts and more.


Music History


The past of music. Music was made in the 40,000’s BP. They first made music without instruments by singing, clapping and hitting a hollow tree to see what noise it makes. The oldest instrument is the Neanderthal flute, which was found in a cave.


Music today

What music is like today. Pop and rock is the world wide most popular type of music. Some of the most popular Musicians are Madonna, Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Britney Spears, Melanie Martinez, Billie Eilish, Eminem, Etc.  Most of these musicians are pop artists. They are singers/ rappers, pop and rap are one of the most popular music genres, but rap is a bit of a streo type because “only a type of skin tone can rap or do hip-hop.” anyone can do rap or hip-hop no matter their skin tone! 




Musician that beat records. The Musician who made the most money is Jay 2 worth 2.5 billion USD in 2023. The creator of the most played song is Irving Berlin’s song is white christmas. The most famous rock artist is Elvis Presley, he is known as “the king of rock and roll.”  And the most famous rap artists are Eminem and Kanye west. 



Now and the past of instruments. Piano is one of the most played instruments in the world because of its beautifully unique noise. The first instrument was made 60,000 years ago. It’s called the Neanderthal flute. It was found in the cave of Divje Babe in slovenia.        




In this article we have learnt about the history, people, instruments and music today. I wonder how much music will evolve, will it evolve to be better? Or worse… Keep listening 5to music and having fun, try something new and listen to a music genre you don’t normally listen to! Research about your favorite singers/ musicians and learn something new!





Drama action station.

This term I’ve been a part of a theatre/ drama group.

We have been using our voices and different movements with our bodies to play a variety of drama games. The activity I enjoyed most was when we got given 3 pieces of paper that said different things and we had to walk how we thought they would walk because it was fun and funny! The most challenging part for me this term was not talking to my friends the whole time.

It was a really cool chance to have fun a learn at the same time! (:

Action station (softball)

1: What did you think of softball as an action station?

I thought it was pretty cool that I got to learn a new game I’ve never played before, and other people get to learn too.

2: What did learn / do in this action station?

How to play and catch with the gloves and how to throw properly.

3: Did you enjoy/ not enjoy it? why?

A bit of both I don’t really like sport but it was fun playing with my friends.

4: What did you find challenging?

Learning how to play and not really knowing what to do.

5: What was your favourite part?

hanging out with my friends and running faster than one of the boys.

6:Would you choose it again if this was put forward for next year?

No, like I said I don’t really like sports and I like to try new things anyway.